The Craigslist Free Section

Money with classifieds ads

If you are a Craigslist user chances are you have stumbled upon the free section on Craigslist. If you haven’t, Craigslist has a section where users list items they no longer want. The items are free and they provide contact info so people can contact them about taking their items. A lot of time the items for free is just junk laying around their house they need to get rid of but sometimes someone will list a valuable item that could be re-sold. Sometimes people list items they are unaware are actually have some value or could be fixed up for a quick profit.

By scanning the free section on Craigslist you can stumble upon a great deal and find something that can be re-sold. You need to be quick because a lot of the items listed for free are often picked up very quickly and usually one of the first five people will be the lucky one taking the item home. You may be tempted to look past old item but be careful because the old looking items can have some value to them or be a collector’s piece.

If you find an item that can be fixed up for a quick profit you may want to look into how much time and money it will take for you to fix it up. If the amount and time and money are worth it to you you may as well try to become the lucky owner of the free item.

When you find an item to resale you have a few options. You can either have a garage sale with all the items you got for free and try re-selling it all to your garage sell customers. Whatever if left over you can list back on Craigslist for free and let others come by and pick it up. Another option would be to list it all on eBay and have an auction or buy it now price set up. The last option would be to try and re-sell it on Craigslist in the other for sale sections. You may have the best luck with a garage sell because it is easier to sell items in person rather than online.