How To Use Ebay Classifieds To Generate A Massive List

Money with classifieds ads

Ebay recently took away the option to place digital products like ebooks and software on auction. It meant that it was now not possible to build a customer list using the traditional auction route.

However, it’s still possible to build a list on Ebay! It still allows advertising for digital products on Ebay’s classifieds section. It is an effective traffic generation tool.

Posting to Ebay classifieds is a pretty simple task; it is similar to posting a regular auction. Posting a classified for 30 days costs only $9.95.

The key to success lies in having the right keywords in your listing title. How would your prospective customers do a search for your kind of the products on Ebay? What problems do they have? Use these to create a keyword-rich listing title.

The title is the most important part of your listing. If you get it right, expect a ton of traffic to come flooding in!

Your actual classified ad should be short and to-the-point. You can post a headline, some bullets, and a link to your opt-in page where your visitors can opt in to your mailing list.

Ebay classifieds is one of those underrated ways to build a mailing list online. But if you use it right, you can see some amazing results from it. It only costs $9.95, but it can build you a huge list at warp speed if done correctly.

Now that Ebay has taken away the option to sell digital products directly, classifieds are the best thing to building a list on the auction site. Go and take advantage of it.