Affiliate Marketing Classifieds: eBay

Money with classifieds ads

Affiliate marketing can be a cut throat business and many people struggle to make that first amount of profit online. The key to affiliate marketing is having quality products that people want to buy, and knowing the right methods to advertise these products.

Today I want to share with you just one methods I use which brings me in some nice leads and most importantly great commissions. It is a method using classified ads, but not the same old Craigslist stuff that you always hear.

You see, the classified ads that I use are eBay classified ads. These affiliate marketing classifieds are so much better than normal classified ads for a variety of reasons.

The first reason eBay classified ads are better is that you are reaching a much more targeted audience. Think about it, most of the people on eBay are actually looking to buy something, which means that if you can sell them the right product at the right time then you can collect some handsome commissions.

In addition to the targeted traffic you will get from eBay classified ads, they are also much cheaper than traditional PPC methods. Pay per click marketing can be very effective, there is no question about that. However, as far as affiliate marketing classifieds are concerned eBay is the way to go.

So go ahead and try some eBay classified ads right now. They are very cost effective, and in one month you can typically get at least a 5:1 return on your investment using eBay ads effectively.