Backpage Classifieds Guide

Money with classifieds ads

Years ago, placing a classified ad was a lot of work. If you had something that you wanted to sell you would need to find a newspaper or other classified provider, head down to their offices, complete a variety of different forms, pay a fee and then wait for your classified to publish. Now, online classified companies like Backpage make the process much simpler. Backpage allows you to post items for sale with little or cost to the seller or the buyer.

Backpage started off small listing items in just a few select cities. However, as their popularity grows, so does their availability. Now classified ads can be posted in more than 250 cities across the country. They hope to soon have more than half a billion visitors to their site each month. This means that the items you post will be seen and hopefully sold.

If you want to use Backpage to sell your items online, here’s how the process works. You will find it is relatively a simple system and easy to learn.

1. Create an Account: The first step to getting started is to create an account. Your free account can be created quickly and only requires a little information from you such as a valid email address. You can be sure that your information is safe as Backpage will never sell or share any of your personal information.

2. Choose Your Location: You may want to post your ad in your own city. Other times the item you are selling would appeal more to those in another location. Simply select your desired market from their extensive selection and then select Post an Ad to get started with your listing.

3. Create the Ad: Once you have selected Post an Ad, you will be directed through a series of prompts to help you get your ad up and going. Simply follow the instructions and post your ad.

4. Choose Your Options: If you want your item to sell more quickly, you can use a variety of options to improve your chances of success. These include adding a picture or upgrading to one of Backpage’s low cost packages.

5. Work with Potential Buyers: Once your ad is posted, you may be contacted by potential buyers. You will work with these buyers directly to negotiate the terms of the sale.

6. Exchange Goods: When you and the buyer are both satisfied with the terms of the sale, payment can be made and goods issued. Backpage is not involved in this process at all and lets buyers and sellers cover their own payment arrangements.

The process is simple. All you have to do is post, sell and try again. You will find that you can sell many unwanted for extra cash using the free classified listing services on Backpage. It is a great way to earn a little extra money. What are you going to sell today? Use Backpage for all of your unneeded items in your home.