Craigslist Primer

Money with classifieds ads

Selling stuffs online could have been very easy if you know where is the right marketplace. Besides selling platforms like eBay and Alibaba, another popular marketplace platform for sellers is Craigslist. Craigslist popularity has increase dramatically and it has become the biggest online classified advertisement platform for sellers today. Everyday, millions of sellers advertise their products and services on Craigslist targeting potential buyers.

Craigslist is free to join and the registration is very simple. A registrar just needs to fill in their email and name to become a Craigslist member. Sellers in Craigslist, who are also Craigslist members, are free to post advertisement except posting advertisement into the job category. Since becoming a Craigslist member and advertisement posting are free, many sellers take advantage of this opportunity to make money online selling their products and services on Craigslist.

If you have something to offer or sell, it is very good to take advantage of Craigslist advertisement platform to leverage your products and services visibility to potential buyers. Depending on the advertisement posting location, some advertisement posting locations may require you to have phone verified authentication. Don’t worry if you do not have a product to promote online, there are many affiliate programs on the internet for you to partner with. Just join them and start to profit in Craigslist.

Posting an advertisement on Craigslist is easy. You just need to decide what is the category of your selling product. Choose your product category and start posting advertisement with a title and description. Since Craigslist is the biggest classified advertisement platform on the internet, there are many sellers like you posting their advertisement everyday. Therefore, it is wise to put a catchy title and description in your advertisement. In order to grab attention, you can consider to include a photo or banner in your advertisement so that you can stand out among other advertisers. Your advertisement will stay on Craigslist for 45 days before it expired. After that, you can always re-post the advertisement. Since there are many new advertisement posting each day, your advertisement is getting older day by day and will be pushed to pages behind which do not attract buyers attention at all. There is one strategy to improve this downside, you can always delete the old advertisement and re-post it as a new advertisement posting.

In order to maximize your earning potential in Craigslist, we can increase the number of advertisement posting in many categories with various products. This way, you are more likely to make sales and profit in Craigslist because you have more products to attract buyers.

Lastly, whether or not you are selling your own stuff or doing affiliate marketing, Craigslist is always a good option for you to expand your business to reach potential buyers. Take some time to get familiar into advertisement posting on Craigslist. You may find that Craigslist is also one of the interesting ways to make money online.