Posting Ads on Craigslist

Money with classifieds ads

Many people have already make their living of – when is it going to be your turn?

People utilize Craigslist to sell old stuff in their house, buying wholesale and resell at retail price, offer service that might interest other people.

– What if you don’t have anything in your house that you could sell? – What if you don’t have that cash to buy wholesale? – What if you don’t have the skills that others need?

These are the most frequent questions I heard people complaining about when comes to online money making technique. I have tried to sell stuff in my garage, I have tried buying wholesale (BIGGEST LOST FOR ME), I have offered basic computer skills. You might have asked: which one made me couple bucks? They all do – barely make even money after all the fees like eBay and shipping.

Then something hits me when I run across how to make money on Craigslist selling pre-made materials. It was so simple! I have posted many ads on Craigslist to bring in traffic for my auctions on eBay and personal store. I certainly have made couple sales using this old technique. However, do I have enough sales to make a profit? NO NO.

I came up with one single page instructional manual and materials that I could use over and over again – NEVER HAVE TO DO INVENTORY. Now, my main job every day is to post 3 single ads on Craigslist and backpage to bring in my potential customers which have a pretty good conversion ratio. I do not make tons of money, but enough for me to pay all my utilities bills plus dinner and movie with my wife every week.