Use Craigslist to Earn Money Online

Money with classifieds ads

Are you familiar with Craigslist and what you can do with it? Most people have heard of Craigslist by now and if not you should start to learn how to use it. The nice thing about Craigslist is that you can buy and sell things very quickly and almost always for free. Where else can you sell things for free? If you are still thinking then just stop, you won’t come up with a better place then Craigslist.

How to earn money online with Craigslist

Sell your stuff – The first way to make money with Craigslist is to sell your own stuff. If you have a closet, basement, garage, storage shed or just a dresser drawer then you have stuff you can sell. The nice part is you can sell almost anything you can think of as long as it isn’t a firearm of any kind.

Sell other peoples stuff – Another way you can earn money online is to sell other peoples stuff on Craigslist. The best part about doing this is that you can get stuff from people you know and charge a percentage for doing it. The nice thing about this is you never have to use your own money to buy products to sell, you just list what people give you and cash in on it.

Post advertisements – This is a great way to earn money and it is simple to get started. All you have do to is get some businesses to pay you for each post you put on Craigslist. For instance, you could charge $2 per post and do 4 each week for a certain business. After 1 month you would have earned $32 per business. Wouldn’t that be nice to have an extra hundred dollars in your pocket each month?

Buy and flip products – Something that people are still learning is how to buy and flip products on Craigslist. The reason this is still pretty new is because people are learning what items work best to flip. In my experience the best items to buy and flip are cars, electronics (package items together), clothes(buy in bulk and sell individually), and tools(buy out of town and sell in town)