In order not to hype things out USFreeAds still has its advantages in generating traffic online. You just need to know how to deploy your traffic generation strategies effectively.
I’ll explain it step by step on how you can do it and rake in insane amounts of traffic easily. Apart from just being an online classified ads portal you can even put your payment button directly in your advertisements. Making it ideal for vendors and buyers alike.
Step 1: The Idea About Sending Traffic With USFreeAds
While USFreeAds has good traffic and ranking on the search engines you have to know how to do it effectively. Now, it may not be a “do it once and get results forever” kind of traffic but it still works the same.
This means you can easily use USFreeAds, put some HTML up with your paypal button and expect to see results quickly. It’s good if you want to test out some raving ideas and see if they work the first time you deploy them.
Step 2: Making Your Advertisement More Effective
In any case, having your own product to sell would be a good idea if you want to post it. Simply because you can track your conversion rates and manipulate certain sales processes. Like I said, USFreeAds is good for testing your traffic.
I like to think that getting a paid membership level with USFreeAds is a good investment. Why? For one, free is free but even at the highest membership level which is Premium is only $9.99 per month. So, it’s really nothing compared to your phone bills.
Step 3: Attract People To Your Ad Faster
You want to spend some time observing and learning from other people’s ads. This way you will be able to pick up some gold nugget in copywriting. Not that everyones copy is great but you will learn a thing or two.
For instance, headlines are pretty important and each sentence is supposed to lead your prospect to the end result – the sale. If you notice a good ad which is pretty compelling, try modeling after that ad itself and watch your results soar!