Use Your Writing Talent On Craigslist

Money with classifieds ads

Are you a writer who is struggling to make ends meet? If so, you need to find new paying clients and paid projects. There are lots of places you can find these, including So how can you make money on Craigslist?

Write Craigslist Ads for Pay

Lots of people would like to make money selling their unwanted goods on Craigslist, but they have a few problems. These people don’t have internet access, don’t know how to use Craigslist, or just don’t want to bother with the entire hassle. This is your chance to make money. You can do two things. Either offer to write someone a professional write-up for whatever it is they have to sell for a set fee, like $1 or $2. Or you can handle all inquires too. This requires more than just spending 5 minutes writing a couple of paragraphs, so charge more. Most people opt to only deal with large items, like used cars, and take a percentage of the final selling price.

Advertise Your Services as a Freelance Writer

Craigslist has a services offered section. This is where you want to create a post that says you are a freelance writer and willing to do all different types of projects. State your specialties, like articles, blog posts, press releases and so forth. You should also include samples of your work or link to samples that can be found online. People who need your services, whether they are a website owner looking for articles or a business owner looking for promotional write-ups, you can get clients and money this way. Best yet, you get to pick and choose the clients you accept.

Search Paid Gigs on Craigslist also has a gig section. You will find a lot of writing projects here. What is needed can depend. You may find a website owner who needs more articles, a local business owner who needs a press release, a magazine who is accepting submissions from freelance writers and more. The only problem is that many article scammers have started targeting Craigslist. What they do is take your articles, don’t pay for them, and run. In your shoes, a lot of writers do small batches of articles at a time or request half of the payment up front.

As you can see, there are many ways to make money on Craigslist with your writing talents and these are just three of your options! Since you work as a freelance writer and from home, you can make money working for someone across the country. Download and use a Craigslist search tool to search all of Craigslist for writing jobs (something you can’ do on